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All 3 records found.


If I Was A Rock Star

Stefan feels that music is the most important thing in life, even though his dads don't agree on his KIND of music. He imagines the kind of life he would have if he was a rock star--the fans, More →

Music · Pets

Moose Joins the Band

Moose is no ordinary dog! His owner, Frank, plays in a band and Moose wants to play too. But band practice is more work than Moose expected. At the end of a long day playing the guitar, Moose More →

Animals · Pets

Moose the Dog - Level 2

Moose, a shaggy St. Bernard, isn't your average dog. He cooks, cleans, shops, gardens, does laundry, and fixes things around the house--all while his owner, Frank, is off at band practice.… More →
