
Emotions & Feelings

35 records found. Displaying 1 - 24.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
A Big Bed for Jed
Avergonzado de mi graznido (Embarrassed by My Squawk)
Clever Atami
Crabby Gabby
Des ours effrayés! (Scared Bears!)
Dimples: Trouble with the Ball
Ducks Have Feelings Too!
¡El poder del panda! (Panda Power!)
Embarrassed by My Squawk 
Goldilocks and the Three Bears NEW
Grace alza la voz (Grace Speaks Up)
Grace Speaks Up
Hansel and Gretel NEW
La force des pandas! (Panda Power!)
Les canards aussi ont des sentiments! (Ducks Have Feelings Too!)
Les canards aussi ont des sentiments! (Ducks Have Feelings Too!) Bilingual Eng/Fre
Ling Gets It Right
Ling vence el miedo (Ling Gets It Right)
¡Los osos asustados! (Scared Bears!)
¡Los patos también tienen sentimientos! (Ducks Have Feelings Too!)
¡Los patos también tienen sentimientos! (Ducks Have Feelings Too!) Bilingual Eng/Spa
My Secret Power
Panda Power!
Papa Nonno's Life Sauce