Giant images of bees give kids a close-up view of different kinds of bees in their hives, their body parts, the jobs of different bees, and making honey. More →
Insects, Spiders, Etc.
94 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.
Giant images of ants give kids a close-up view of ants in their colonies, doing their jobs, and going on raids. More →
Eight eyes, venomous fangs, surprise attacks…as if there wasn't enough not to like about spiders! Colorful photos and descriptive text help explain the body parts, characteristics, and… More →
What creepy-crawlies live in your back yard? Find out: • where a grasshopper keeps its ears; • why a shield bug is also called a stink bug; • how spiders catch and store their dinner.… More →
A bite from a black widow spider has more venom than a rattlesnake's. It won't kill you, but it will cause you a world of pain. Sadly, they live on every continent in the world except… More →
They feed on us, make their homes on us, and generally make our lives miserable. They are horrible guests, sometimes spreading deadly diseases. These blood-sucking parasites are lice and… More →
There are over 200 million insects for every person in the world! All insects are an important part of every ecosystem on the planet. Fascinating full-color photos of insects in their natural More →
Learn about some fascinating insects you might find in your own yard! Simple text and vibrant illustrations will captivate early readers and aid comprehension. List of Sight Words. Includes a More →