
Marine Life

90 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.

Life Science


From anemones to zones of the ocean, this beautiful book covers the ABCs and more of ocean life. Breathtaking photos by some of today's leading underwater photographers capture the excitement More →

Life Science

A Dolphin's Body

Children will delight in the exciting information and fabulous photographs of this intelligent and engaging mammal. This intriguing new book answers such questions as how do dolphins eat,… More →

Geography · Social Studies

Arctic Ocean

Take a dive into fascinating facts about one of Earth's five oceans. Learn where to find the Arctic Ocean on a map of the world, how it got its name, how deep it is, and what animals swim in… More →

Geography · Social Studies

Atlantic Ocean

Take a dive into fascinating facts about one of Earth's five oceans. Learn where to find the Atlantic Ocean on a map of the world, how it got its name, how deep it is, and what animals swim… More →



This book introduces early readers to the axolotl, an animal that lives in water. Simple text and vibrant images help engage children and grow a love of reading! Downloadable Teacher Notes available. More →


Baby animals in water habitats

Some animals live in fresh water, and some in salt water. This book introduces both kinds of habitats but focuses on freshwater rivers, lakes, ponds, and wetlands. Children will be fascinated More →


Blacktip Reef Sharks

Read about the blacktip reef shark, who lives in oceans near reefs and gets its name from the black tip on its top fin. Amazing photos and simple text make this book a great high-interest read. More →


Bringing Back the Humpback Whale

Humpback whales are a true ecological success story. Readers will be enthralled by the story of these masters of the deep, listed as endangered in 1970. Protected by an international ban on… More →


Bull Sharks

Read about the bull shark, who is stout (like a bull) and can live in both saltwater and freshwater. Amazing photos and simple text make this book a great high-interest read. More →

Life Science


Few people can resist the dolphin's charm. Like people, they are intelligent animals with large brains who have deveoped their own unique language of whistles, squeaks, and clicks. Dolphins… More →

Animals · Life Science


Early readers will be introduced to dolphins through simple text and vibrant images to aid comprehension. Learn all about the characteristics of dolphins and their lives under the sea.… More →
