

25 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.

A Dome Stays Strong

Engineers design structures using domes because of their amazing ability to withstand outside forces such as weather and weight. This unique book shows readers how engineers use the… More →


Adventure Homes

Wouldn't it be fun to live in a tree house? This book explores adventure homes in a fun and humorous layout. Through a narrative format, students examine problems and solutions that arise… More →


A House Gives Shelter

Houses are structures that allow people to meet their basic need for shelter. From its design to the materials used to build it, engineers design houses to withstand many different weather… More →


Ancient Homes

From mighty castle strongholds to the buried ruins of Pompeii, this engaging title unearths ancient homes. Concepts include how and why ancient homes were built, as well as their discovery… More →


Animal Homes

This fun title explores different kinds of animal homes and how they are built. From a beaver's dam to a termite's mound, readers will love learning all about animal architects. More →


Animal Homes

This fun title explores different kinds of animal homes and how they are built. From a beaver's dam to a termite's mound, readers will love learning all about animal architects. More →


A Road Connects Places

Engineers design roads to be as safe and efficient as possible for the people who travel on them. From roundabouts and speed bumps to the routes that roads take, readers will learn how… More →


A Tower Stands Tall

Towers are tall, narrow structures used for many purposes, from measuring and predicting weather to offering a bird's-eye view of surroundings. This interesting book takes children through… More →

Science · STEM · Technology

Engineering Masterpieces

The Engineering Masterpieces series gives readers an inside look at how important structures are created and built. Discover the different types of each structure, their parts, and the jobs… More →


Futuristic Homes

What will houses look like in the future? From space stations to pod living, this innovative title examines how architects design and plan for the world of tomorrow. Readers put concepts to… More →
