A Child's Day (revised edition)
A One-Room School (revised edition)
A Visual Dictionary of the Old West
4.5 |
A Visual Dictionary of Victorian Life
Boomtowns of the West
6.2 |
California Gold Rush!
5.0 |
Classroom Games (revised edition)
Colonial Home (revised edition)
Colonial Life (revised edition)
Ellis Island
6.5 |
6.2 |
Famous People of the War of 1812
Flag Day
5.6 |
Go West: First Contact with Native Nations
6.2 |
Go West with Cowboys and Ranchers
5.6 |
Go West with Famous Trailblazers
6.3 |
Go West with Merchants and Traders
5.8 |
Go West with Miners, Prospectors, and Loggers
5.6 |
Go West with Settlers and Farmers
5.9 |
Homes of the West
5.2 |
In the Barn (revised edition)
John Wesley Powell
Kit Carson
Life on the Ranch
5.5 |