
19th Century

50 records found. Displaying 1 - 24.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
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A Child's Day (revised edition)
A One-Room School (revised edition)
A Visual Dictionary of the Old West 4.5
A Visual Dictionary of Victorian Life
Boomtowns of the West 6.2
California Gold Rush! 5.0
Classroom Games (revised edition)
Colonial Home (revised edition)
Colonial Life (revised edition)
Ellis Island 6.5
Emancipation 6.2
Famous People of the War of 1812
Flag Day 5.6
Go West: First Contact with Native Nations 6.2
Go West with Cowboys and Ranchers 5.6
Go West with Famous Trailblazers 6.3
Go West with Merchants and Traders 5.8
Go West with Miners, Prospectors, and Loggers 5.6
Go West with Settlers and Farmers 5.9
Homes of the West 5.2
In the Barn (revised edition)
John Wesley Powell
Kit Carson
Life on the Ranch 5.5