
2051 records found. Displaying 2029 - 2040.


Wind Power

How is wind used to make energy? How does a wind farm work? Wind Power answers these questions and much more! More →

Life Science

Wonderful Whales

In Wonderful Whales, kids will delve into the world of the only mammals that spend their entire lives underwater. Vivid photos and captivating text help kids learn about whale bodies and… More →

Math · STEM

Word Problems: Mass and Volume

Word Problems: Mass and Volume uses an engaging narrative and authentic, real-world problems to teach readers strategies to solve one-step word problems involving mass and volume. The text… More →

Social Studies

Working Toward Protecting the Planet

This book looks at the impact of environmental activists, from John Muir to Rachel Carson, and the events that had wide-ranging impact, such as the Santa Barbara oil spill, the Standing Rock… More →


World of Water: Essential to life

Without water, our most valuable natural resource, our planet would be a barren wasteland, without plant or animal life. The Earth has a limited amount of water that is recycled in the… More →

Life Science


This beautifully illustrated title explores the wonderful world of slimy worms. Worms get rid of dead leaves and animals, and their poo makes soil full of goodness to help plants grow. Find… More →

Life Science

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park is made up of several kinds of habitats, lakes, canyons, rivers, and mountains. What makes Yellowstone National Park so exciting, however, is that it sits on top of… More →
