One of the biggest adaptations made by some animals is to live and work together as a group to ensure their survival. This intriguing book shows how social animals communicate and interact… More →
Science & Nature
2051 records found. Displaying 73 - 84.
Can you imagine a mammal that lives without ever drinking water, or a frog that freezes solid but can still thaw out and hop away? This book reveals the extraordinary ways certain animals are More →
More than 98% of Earth's animals are invertebrates. Invertebrates do not have backbones or internal skeletons, but some have hard coverings. Insects, spiders, worms, snails, and most ocean… More →
Which continent is the world's windiest? Antarctica! Find out about Antarctica's landforms, people, animals, and much more in this book. More →
Children may not realize it, but they use models everyday. This book shows children how models represent things to help humans understand them better. More →
Children may not realize it, but they use models everyday. This book shows children how models represent things to help humans understand them better. More →
A Rainforest Habitat introduces children to the huge trees, colorful flowers, and other plants in South American tropical rain forests. This fascinating book also outlines the insects,… More →
Home to more than half the animals and plants on earth, A Rain Forest Tree takes a close-up look at the life that lives on and around a single tree from the heights of the canopy, down… More →
Eight eyes, venomous fangs, surprise attacks…as if there wasn't enough not to like about spiders! Colorful photos and descriptive text help explain the body parts, characteristics, and… More →
Beautiful images of trees give kids a close-up view of different kinds of trees, how they grow and make food, and how they add oxygen to the air around us. More →