Arbor Day is held on the last Friday of April across the United States. Observers are encouraged to plant trees across the nation and remember the importance of forests and the environment.… More →
Science & Nature
2051 records found. Displaying 85 - 96.
Some Archaea thrive in extreme places around the planet such as in thermal pools, hot vents at the bottom of the sea, extremely salty water, and even in underground oil reserves. Others are… More →
Archaeologists are like detectives. They find objects from the past and treat them as clues to understanding what life was like long ago. This title aims to create meaningful connections… More →
This fascinating and informative survival guide introduces readers to the challenging environments of the arctic and antarctic. Useful tips tell you how to shelter from blizzards, what you… More →
Take a dive into fascinating facts about one of Earth's five oceans. Learn where to find the Arctic Ocean on a map of the world, how it got its name, how deep it is, and what animals swim in… More →
Follow along as a researcher observes and makes journal entries about their field trip through the Arctic ecosystem. Outstanding photographs highlight the animals, plants, and people that… More →
Claws that slash, teeth that tear, and tail clubs that crush--dinosaurs were once the terror of the planet! Check out the dramatic illustrations of dinosaurs and the "weapons" on these… More →
In this book, young readers will discover where streams come from, and what they look like! Using colorful photographs alongside simple text and relevant sight words, early readers will enjoy More →
Different art forms require different kinds of tools. Read about the tools different artists use, such as brushes for painting, computers for digital art, and instruments for music. connect… More →
Different kinds of cactus provide food, moisture, and shelter to a wide variety of plants and animals. A Saguaro Cactus tells young readers what animals make their home high above, on the… More →
The grasslands of Africa are home to some of the most interesting plants and animals in the world. A Savanna Habitat uses beautiful photographs, detailed illustrations, and clear language to… More →
Everyone's heard of a pod of dolphins--but how about a shiver of sharks, a smack of jellyfish, or a bed of oysters? This fascinating book features the names of ocean animal groups along with… More →