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Health · Social-Emotional Learning


Gangs exist in places all over the world. The United States, however, is believed to have more gangs than any other country in the world. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the… More →

Social Studies

Gun Violence

This relevant title tackles a timely and controversial issue in an educated and sensitive way. While virtually everyone agrees gun violence is wrong, there is disagreement about the right way More →


Living in a Conflict Zone

This informative book describes the dangers and instability of living in a conflict zone, especially for children. Simple things like education and having enough food, medicine, and safe… More →

Earth and Space Science

Terrorism Alert!

Terrorism is a frightening but all too real topic for young people. This sensitively-written new book examines the history of terrorism and sheds light on the groups that carry out these… More →

Social Studies

Violence Against Women

This important title examines exploitation and acts of violence against women and girls, from trafficking and murder to sexual and domestic abuse. Readers will study the reasons why women and More →
