

66 records found. Displaying 37 - 48.

History · Social Studies

Medieval Society

Medieval Society describes life under the feudal system, the growth of towns and trade, and the influence of the church on society. Young readers will be captivated by this account of the… More →

Social Studies

My New Home After Iran

Zahra's family left Iran because of political persecution and found a new home in Australia. She will never forget her early years as a refugee, from learning English to navigating… More →

Social Studies

My New Home After Iraq

Memories of fleeing war in Iraq, living in the refugee camp in Jordan, and the scary journey to the United States now seem far away to Zainab. But every day, as she attends school, plays… More →

Social Studies

My New Home After Somalia

From conflict-torn Somalia, to the massive Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya, and finally to a new home in Sweden, Fatuma's family is used to constant change. Still, Sweden's cold winters and… More →

Social Studies

My New Home After Syria

Roj and his family have lived in Germany for three years after fleeing civil war in Syria. Although his family faces discrimination from some in their small village, and hearing news about… More →

Social Studies

My New Home After Yemen

After fleeing civil war in Yemen, Sahar knows that she and her family are lucky to have escaped the violence and survived the trip to Toronto, Canada. Although she still has nightmares about… More →


Panoramas culturales en transformación: ¿Cómo afectan la migración y los asentamientos a la gente y sus comunidades? (Changing Cultural Landscapes: How are people and their communities affected by migration and settlement?)

Culture gives humans a sense of identity. This title examines how cultures around the world mix and change in response to migration and settlement. This fascinating book examines: cultural… More →


Pushes and Pulls: Why do people migrate?

This intriguing book explores the reasons why people migrate: pushes - involuntary migrations - and pulls - voluntary migrations. The different causes include: population density or lack of… More →
