Fighter planes have always been the fastest and most maneuverable military aircraft. Fighter pilots need to be aggressive and quick thinking. Air Combat follows these exciting planes into… More →
229 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.
An aircraft carrier is an enormous ship that acts as a runway on the water for jet aircraft to take off and land. Children will be amazed by the different kinds of ships designed to carry… More →
Discusses what other planets may have the right conditions to support life and surveys aliens, unidentified flying objects, and our exploration of space. More →
During the Golden Age of flight which followed WWI, planes were pushed beyond their limits, as pilots raced to be the first to cross oceans and continents. At home, out of work pilots gave… More →
Like any sport, NASCAR provides fans with lasting memories every time the cars hit the track. Some races, however, stand out in history as being the most significant, memorable, or historic.… More →
As a girl, Amelia Earhart aspired to a future that would take her beyond the family and medical problems of her younger years, as well as the restrictions imposed on her because she was… More →
In 1959, British author named Ian Fleming published Goldfinger, the fifth book in the series following the adventures of British superspy James Bond. At one point, Bond drives a secret… More →
Dirt bikes, snowmobiles, and quads - children will love reading about their favorite recreational and non-recreational off road and all terrain vehicles (ATVs) in this entertaining book. More →
As soon as cars were invented people began racing them! The large, colorful images and clear text in this cutting-edge book help children learn the basics about these exciting machines. Kids… More →
Whether owned by superstars, kings and queens, or top-secret VIPs, these vehicles wrap their riders in rich comfort--for a huge price! Some cost more than a quarter of a million dollars!… More →