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7094 records found. Displaying 61 - 72.

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey From South Sudan

Ataui and her family live in South Sudan. They have never known what safety feels like. When she and two siblings leave their home, they don't know that they will never return. After spending More →

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey From Yemen

Sahar misses her life in Yemen before the terrible civil war started. When her home is bombed and she loses her baby brother, she and her family make the dangerous boat journey to a refugee… More →

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey from Afghanistan

Sonita was born in a refugee camp in Pakistan after her family fled Afghanistan during the war in the early 2000s. Unwelcome in Pakistan, her family returns to Afghanistan, where Sonita and… More →

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey from Bhutan

After 9 years in a refugee camp in Nepal, Amita remembers very little of her homeland, Bhutan. At two years old, she was forced to flee her country when her family was targeted because of… More →

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey from El Salvador

Benito's childhood in El Salvador is disrupted when gang violence comes to his community. When gang members begin to recruit his siblings and target the family with violence, Benito's mother… More →

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey from Eritrea

Dawit's future was bleak in his home country of Eritrea, where he would be forced to join the military. Along with a friend, he makes the difficult decision to flee his home and meet with… More →

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey from Iran

When Iran's government threatens Zahra's family for speaking out against its actions, they decide to flee Iran and seek safety in Australia. The journey isn't easy. Many refugees have died on More →

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey from Iraq

Zainab has never known peace in her homeland of Iraq. She and her family flee the country after her father is threatened by one of the many groups fighting against the government. Zainab's… More →

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey from Nigeria

When the violence by militant terrorist group Boko Haram increases in her village in Nigeria, Baseema and her family make the difficult decision to seek refuge in another country. With… More →

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey from Syria

Five-year-old Roj's home is bombed during the civil war that has been raging in his homeland of Syria. He and his family are forced to flee the country secretly by boat, and they end up in a… More →

Social Studies

A Refugee's Journey from Ukraine

Miron's life in Ukraine is happy until a war breaks out in his city, Donetsk. Surrounded by political instability and increasing violence, Miron and his family decide to flee to find safety… More →
