
Follow the Life Cycle

Set of 4 titles
  • Interest Level: Grade 1 - Grade 3
  • Reading Level: Grade 2

This appealing illustrated series explains the stages of animal and plant life cycles in a simple way for very young readers. Each book features engaging artwork showing the stages an animal goes through from egg or baby to adulthood, and a plant from seed to being full-grown. Easy-to-understand text accompanies each image explaining the process of each stage in an accessible way. A full image of the entire life cycle is presented at the end. A link printed inside each book gives readers access to Crabtree Plus, a website featuring supplemental digital content, including interactive activities that reinforce and extend key series' concepts. Free downloadable Teacher's Guide available.

Format Your Price Add
Interest Level Grade 1 - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Age Range 6 - 8
Dewey 583-636.5
Lexile 440L-510L
ATOS Reading Level 2.4-2.8
Guided Reading Level J-K
Subjects Life Cycle
Genres Nonfiction
Publisher Crabtree Publishing
Imprint Crabtree Classics
Copyright 2019
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 8.5 x 9.5
Graphics Full-color illustrations
Rights Included CA, US
Language English