
I Read! You Read! Level 1

Set of 10 titles
  • Interest Level: PreK - Kindergarten
  • Reading Level: Kindergarten

I Read! You Read! books are designed for shared reading between a beginning reader and an adult or proficient reader. The beginning reader reads one very short sentence with limited vocabulary. The adult or proficient reader adds additional information. Level One books include vocabulary words, sight words, and a support page of teaching tips for caregivers and teachers. Downloadable Teacher's Notes available.

Format Your Price Add
Interest Level PreK - Kindergarten
Reading Level Kindergarten
Age Range 0 - 5
Dewey 917
ATOS Reading Level
Guided Reading Level B-D
Subjects Animals, Science, Social Studies, Sports
Genres Nonfiction, Parent Involvement
Publisher Seahorse Publishing
Imprint Seahorse I Read! You Read!
Copyright 2023
Number of Pages 16
Dimensions 7.5 x 7.5
Graphics Full-color photographs
Rights Included WORLD
Language English