Deportes para principiantes (Sports Starters)

Set of 4 titles
  • Interest Level: Kindergarten - Grade 3
  • Reading Level: Grade 2

Sport Starters simplifies athletics for young children. Each book explains how a sport is played, the basic rules, and the player positions. Kids will also learn about sports leagues and superstars. Large pictures and easy-to-read text will have kids rushing to take these books off the shelves.

Format Your Price Add
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Age Range 5 - 8
Dewey 796.32-796.35
Lexile 730L-810L
ATOS Reading Level 4.0-4.8
Guided Reading Level L
Subjects High Interest, Sports
Genres Hi-Lo, Nonfiction
Publisher Crabtree Publishing
Imprint Crabtree Classics
Copyright 2009
Number of Pages 32
Dimensions 8.5 x 9.5
Graphics Full-color photographs
Rights Included WORLD
Language Spanish
Full-color photographs