Physical Science

65 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.

Aprendiendo con modelos (Learning with Models)

Children may not realize it, but they use models everyday. This book shows children how models represent things to help humans understand them better. More →


Big Push

The students of class 201 are locked out of their classroom. Professor Adams's car has broken down and they can't unlock the door without his nose print. Join the students of Science Academy… More →


Changes in Matter

Do you wonder about the world around us? Matter is all around us. In this book, learn about the different ways matter changes and how that impacts our daily lives. Downloadable Teacher's… More →


Choose to Reuse!

We can all make good choices to do our part to care for Earth. Read about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling, as well choosing items that can be used over and over. More →


Comment fonctionne la météo (How Weather Works)

A great introduction to weather terms and their meanings. Kids learn how weather changes day to day, and how it affects what we wear and what we do outside. More →


Cómo funciona el clima (How Weather Works)

A great introduction to weather terms and their meanings. Kids learn how weather changes day to day, and how it affects what we wear and what we do outside. More →


Cosas vivientes (Living Things)

Young readers will understand the differences between living and non-living things with this bright and colorful book, which describes objects, as well as animals and plants and their life cycles. More →


Day and Night

Read about the Sun and Moon and how they change positions in the sky throughout the day. Find out what else can be seen in the sky. More →


Day Turns into Night

Young students are introduced to the cycle of day and night and how the Sun heats our planet and provides life for all animals and plants. Great for STEM and content literacy. More →


¡Descubre dinosaurios! (Discovering Dinosaurs!)

The only way we can learn about dinosaurs is by studying their fossils. Read about how comparing fossils shows us how different dinosaurs moved, what foods they ate, and how they protected themselves. More →
